

Star Trek TOS 365 笔记 1




001  S.S Yorktown 变成了U.S.S Enterprise

002  Robert April是舰长最初设定的名字 (教主一定是对这个名字有执念,TAS内终于用上了)

003  教主最初提供了25个情节设定

004  The cage为试播集

        "When dreams become more important than reality,you give up travel,building,creating.You even forget how to repair the machines left behind by your ancestors.You just sit,living and reliving other lives left behind..."


005  a. The cage 被拒,但NBC又给了教主另一次机会:第二试播集 (最后剧组一集都没有浪费全部播出 省钱大法好

        b.教主曾在保留Vulcan还是女大副(Chapel护士饰演者,最终成为了教主夫人)上纠结。Roddenberry decided to keep the Vulcan and marry the woman,"because Gene didn't think Leonard would have it the other way around."(看到这里笑哭了:LN爷爷嫁教主,扶额)

006  a.Transporter和Beaming都是因为剧组没有足够的资金做特效与场景而想出来的设定

        b.Kirk从没说过"Beam me up,Sotty."(重刷的时候验证一下)

007  这是悲伤的一页。在最终集播出的前一周,饰演Captain Pike的演员Jeffrey Hunter在西班牙拍摄电影时发生事故,不治身亡于5/27/1969。R.I.P

008  a.Spock最初的肤色设定为红色,但因上镜后在黑白电视上显现出黑色而弃用。肤色最终设定为Chinese Yellow.(中国黄!)


009  Vina这个角色的Orion试妆是由教主夫人完成的,可拍摄后颜色怎么样都不对,最终发现是摄影师弄错了设置

010  Vina的Orion Slave Girl妆容太容易花掉(因为是绿色的),没有办法,化妆师Phillip专门指派了一个化妆助理,只要一停机就协助他给Vina补妆

011  Captain Pike使用的矛头武器是回收道具(怎么看剧组怎么穷=-=)

012  Where no man has gone before(剧情概括:舰长大战亚当夏娃,他就是那条蛇!)

013  传说中的试播第二集/夏大雷参与拍摄的第一集/舰长撕衣第一发

        官方书自带吐槽:"And right from the start, James T. Kirk's willingness to resolve a bad situation with his fists-more often than not ripping his shirt in the process-made him a perfect action icon for era."

014  Spock的角色设定更加鲜明(但眉毛还是不能忍!!冲天眉!!)且他第一次提及自己的先人与人类联姻

015  介绍画家Albert Whitlock,其为剧集绘制了很多场景画(又提到了剧组没钱做场景)

016  提到几位主演服装试映集颜色上的变化及各种颜色指代的职责

017  a.戏服最初为天鹅绒材质,但因每次清理完都会变小,很快就彻底消失了(于是秋衣秋裤流传千古!)


           自带吐槽医生的嘲讽脸:Note that, while his hair hasn't quite hit the JFK-esque length that it would remain for the rest of the series.DeForest Kelley already has the good doctor's sardonic attitude down pat in this early publicity still.

018  介绍银女士-the largest and most modern-type vessel in the Starfleet Service


019  银女士模型趣闻:在获得教主的肯定后,模型还需要得到NBC高层的认可。可就在会议前拿回制作的木质模型时,银女士设计者Matt Jefferies发现模型出现了问题:船体的大部分已经造好,可是两个引擎舱连影都没有。情急之下,他用另一种木料的短棍代替引擎舱并用胶水粘合。可会议中,由于材质的重量不同,模型在NBC高层面前渐渐地自动翻盘了。

020  船员情况:国际化与多种族化的队伍,只有Spock是外星人(TAS因为请不起舰宠配音,就又设定了两个外星人)船上娱乐设备众多(还记得舰长去健身么!)

021  Captain James T. Kirk 1967年的人设:宇宙第一Alpha Male!

         原文:"Aboard ship,Captain Kirk has only a few opportunities for anything approaching friendship.One exception is Mister Spock, a strange friendship based on logic,high mutual respect, and Spock's strong Vulcan loyalty to a commander.Another is with the ship's surgeon, Doctor McCoy, who has a legitimate professional need to constantly be aware of the state of the captain's mind and emotions.But on a 'shore leave', away from the confines of self-imposed discipline, Jim Kirk is likely to play pretty hard, almost compulsively so...He is, in short, a strong man forced by the requirements of his ship and career into the often lonely role of command, even lonelier because starship command is the most difficult and demanding task of the century."

022  Mister Spock 1967年的人设:理性与优雅,逻辑与内心并存的宇宙第一开挂男神!

        原文:"He has a strange Vulcan 'ESP' ability to merge his mind with another intelligence and read the thoughts there.He dislikes doing so since it deprives him of his proud stoic mannerisms and reveals too much of his inner self..."

                   "We now realize that Spock is capable of feeling emotion, but he denies this at every opportunity.On his own planet, to show emotion is considered the grossest of sins. He makes every effort to hide what he considers the 'weakness' of his half-human heredity."

023  Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy 1967年的人设:毒舌个性却内心温柔的南方医生!

        原文:"Bones McCoy is the one man who can approach Captain Kirk on the most intimate personal levels relating to the captain's physical, mental,and emotional well-being.McCoy is a very, very outspoken character, with more than a little cynical bite in his attitudes and observations on life.He has an acid wit, which results in somtimes shocking statements-which, under close scrutiny, carry more than a grain of truth about medicine, man, and society...When the moment is right, a trace of his Southern accent will be heard."

024 Scott 与 Uhura 1967年人设:无所不能的苏格兰轮机长与歌喉惊人的通讯官

       原文:"He regards the U.S.S. Enterprise as his personal vessel and the engineering section as his private world, where even Captain James Kirk is merely a privileged trespasser."

                  "Quick and intelligent, she is a highly efficient officer and expert in all ships' systems related to communications."

025  Sulu 与 Chekov 人设:会剑术的颜艺舵手与舰宠导航员

        原文:"Although these bursts of enthusiasm make him something of a chatterbox, Sulu is a top officer and one of the most proficient helmsmen in the Starfleet Service."

                  "One of the Enterprise's youngest officers, Chekov ha a plucky sense of bravado. He is an execellent navigator-despite the fact that his internal magnetic needle seems to be permanently stuck on his homeland."

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